About Completing Kaden
The story begins in the quite, middle-America, corn-fed city of Willfield, Missouri, an outlying suburb of St. Louis. As one gazes into this seemingly "perfect" suburb, the onlooker easily could come to the conclusion that the individuals residing within the town limits are peaceful, harmonious and above all predictable. However, this couldn't be farther from the truth. Hiding under the disguise of normality, lays a world full of hate, love, confusion and unworldly situations that are far from typical. There is never a day that passes Willfield which is - predictable.
Completing Kaden is a unique and diverse half-hour situational comedy/drama which delves into the various lives of "normal" teenagers. Throughout the season, the audience is bombarded by an assortment of instances. With planes of humor and peaks of drama, the viewers of this new breed of sitcom will soon discover that Completing Kaden is far from the average series.
Completing Kaden was produced by Real Bean Entertainment, LLC in conjunction with Focus on Jesus Ministries and is distributed by Greg Robbins, Uplifting Entertainment.
--Synopsis written by Jonathan McLelland