Behind the Scenes of Completing Kaden
You can skip to any of the following sections by clicking on them below:
- Who's Involved?
- How this all began...
- Behind the Scenes Pictures
- Why is this worth it?
Who's Involved?
Completing Kaden took a large number of people. Here's who's involved...
Executive Producer (series creator)
Kyle Lawrence - (IMDb Listing)
Associate Producers
Aaron Bone
Brian Bolhofner
Eric Kopsky
Season 1 Storyline and Concept Writers:
Aaron Bone
Brian Bolhofner
Eric Kopsky
Kyle Lawrence - (IMDb Listing)
Season 1 Screenplay Writers:
Aaron Bone (1 episode)
Brian Bolhofner (1 episode)
David Clevenger (1 episode)
Kyle Lawrence (10 episodes)
Season 1 Script Editor
Brian Lawrence (5 episodes)
Season 1 Director
David Clevenger
Season 1 Co-Director
Brady Lovesou (1 Episode) - Credited as Brady Hardin
Season 2 Storyline and Concept Writers
Aaron Bone
Brady Lovesou
Christopher Stone
Eric Kopsky
Jonathan McLelland
Matt Martin
Kyle Lawrence
Rachel Mullins
Season 2 Screenplay Writers
Brady Lovesou (12 episodes)
Brian Lawrence (co-wrote 1 episode)
Jonathan McLelland (2 episodes)
Kyle Lawrence (5 episodes)
Season 2 Director
Brady Lovesou
Season 2 First Assistant Director
Jonathan Gray
Administrative Assistant and Meal Coordinator
Melissa Lawrence
Camera Operators
Andrew Pollard
Brady Lovesou
Brittany Shoemaker
Charlie Chapman
David Clevenger
Dillon Turner
Jonathan Gray
Kevin C. Burns
Kyle Lawrence
Matt Martin
Shannon Turner
Tyler Skrobonja
Production Intern
Emily Curry
Production Assistant #1
Kevin C. Burns
Original Music by
Brady Lovesou
Jon Swan
Tyler Skrobonja
Online/Offline Editor
Kyle Lawrence
Produced by Real Bean Entertainment, LLC and Focus on Jesus Ministries.
Distributed by Greg Robbins, Uplifting Entertainment.
How this all began...
On February 1, 2004, Completing Kaden was born.
At the age of 16, Executive Producer Kyle Lawrence was sitting in his room not really doing anything, and suddenly an idea hit him. He wanted to produce a television show similar to Boy Meets World and other TV shows on TV at the time, only with a Christian backing to it and a Biblical perspective. Kyle sat and contemplated the idea for a few minutes and then called a friend to talk the idea over with him.
Over the next few weeks, Kyle recruited five friends to help with Completing Kaden. Three of them stuck to it and over the next year, Aaron Bone, Brian Bolhofner, Eric Kopsky, and Kyle met on a weekly basis writing episodes, developing the characters, and coming up with a storyline for this series.
At the time, the show was called Persecution (or Persecution Video Series), however the name was changed on March 1, 2006 to Completing Kaden to better suit the show.
In July of 2004, David Clevenger (22 at the time) was recruited to be the director for Completing Kaden. Together, the five of them continued working on the scripts and raising funds.
In December of 2004, Kyle and David spoke at a small church seeking support, thus kicking off their fund raising and promotions spree. Over the next 2 years, Kyle spoke at a number of churches, youth groups, and conferences all around the country spreading the word about Completing Kaden and seeking support.
On June 4, 2005, the production of Season 1 officially began. It was a slow day of filming as they gradually worked their way into full-blown production. Over the next few days, production picked up and the busyness kicked in.
Season One had finished filming for the most part by September of 2005. A few more scenes were later filmed during November, December, and January. The last scene of Season 1 was finally filmed on April 4, 2006. Season one was released on the internet starting on May 1, 2006.
On June 6, 2006, the production of Season two began. The month of June was the busiest, most tiring month of production in the history of Completing Kaden. The longest and most productive day of Season Two was June 20, 2006, the cast and crew filmed for 18 hours straight and wrapped 17 scenes.
Over the course of Completing Kaden, over 55 different locations have been used to fulfill over 80 different settings.
Behind the Scenes Pictures
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