Cast & Characters
Kaden O'Connor › Jonathan Gray

There isn’t much about Kaden that hasn’t already been said. In his family he feels that he is at the bottom of the totem pole. However, that is far from the truth. His family life is one surrounded by self-provided problems. In so many words he creates issues out of absolutely nothing. In his social life, Kaden isn’t exactly the most sought after individual; however, he sees it worse than it truly is. He longs to be one of the people that the other students want to sit beside at lunch. He longs to be recognized, like his brother, James. According to his spiritual life, he wishes he could stand up for his faith – he knows that he needs to take a stand for his beliefs, however, that would come between his desire to be known.
Shane ______ › Matt Martin

No that isn’t a typo – by far one of the more interesting characters within Completing Kaden, Shane’s last name is a mystery to all other characters within the sitcom, as well as to the audience. He is by far Kaden’s best friend. They are always together – whether it be hanging out at the café or standing by the lockers hoping to steer clear of Brad’s wrath. Shane is comfortable with who he is, unlike his best friend, and he thought that his family was one to be proud of – until he comes home one day.
Taylor Samuels › Taylor Kirk

Taylor is not like most sophomores. First off, her family owns the neighborhood café, which is the second home to many Lawerence High School Students; secondly she spends all of her free-time serving others both at the café and with every other aspect of her life. She is what some call, a work-aholic. She always goes above and beyond what is expected of her. This in turn plays a major role in her life. Her best friend, Michelle, is very eccentric, the quite opposite of Taylor .
James O'Connor › Brady Hardin

Well, what is there to be said about James O’Connor? Firstly, he’s not exactly the smartest guy in Willfield, or is he? He’s the older brother of Kaden, and is one of the most spontaneous and outlandish individuals that has ever attend Lawerence High School . Through all of his fumbles, somehow, he seems to strike a chord with all of the ladies. He is by far one of the most popular students at his high school – which provides Kaden even more angst. Although, sometimes, it seems as if he doesn’t quite know what is happening around him, he is more observant than people give him credit for. Willfield’s own Dr. Freud, with a hint of Bozo The Clown.
Michelle Hessley › Steffani Bolhofner

Michelle is a part of one of the most influential families in all of the Midwest . Her father is the owner and CEO of a Fortune 500 Corporation (which will remain nameless for legal reasons), and her mother is the famous freelance hair stylist for poodles, the great Poodle Hessley. So as you can see, Michelle hasn’t lead a deprived life. Although, throughout all of her riches she is lacking one thing – true security.
Joshua Hoops › Jon Swan
Joshua is the youngest of “the gang.” He is still in middle school, however, he’s old for his age. Kaden looks upon him as his little brother, due to his family situations. Joshua is an only child, living with his father; his mother is no longer with them. No one really knows why she isn’t there anymore; however, his father seems to not want to discuss it. Although, he spends time with Kaden, he doesn’t quite know where he fits in with everything around him.
Brad › Christopher Stone
And then there’s Brad. He’s the typical bully – every school has one. However, his bullying comes from something deeper than just an insecurity issue. It is in his past that the truth lies why he seemingly hates Kaden and basically everyone else. Throughout his ever continuous attendance at Lawerence High School (this is his fourth year as a senior, according to his records), he has been and remains to be the “bully”.
Christi O'Connor › Shannon Turner
Christi is the older sister of Kaden and James. She isn't seen much, since she's usually away at college, but when she's home, she's the go to person for advice. Even though she attends a college hours away from home, she still finds the time to drop in and say hi at what seems to always be just the right time.
Mr. Merckx › Oto Brezina
Mr. Merckx is that crazy zany teacher that everyone has sometime in their high school life. His subject is high school philosophy, all the students love him and enjoy his enthusiasm.
Mr. Shin › Adrian Rice
Yet another teacher. Not as crazy as Mr. Merckx, but still a fun teacher. What's a Christian's favorite class other than science? Mr. Shin is a strong believer in evolution. Watch to see how Kaden and his friends stand up for truth.
Mrs. Terry › Amy Heatherington
And then there's the typical, everday, sweet math teacher. The one that as the students may not enjoy the subject she teachers, they still enjoy having a nice teacher here and there to balance the school atmosphere.